Where Is All The Tunes?

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We have come to place music into two broad categories; that of New Music and that of Traditional Music. Music prior to the turn of the century originates to be thought of as the original. This Traditional Music gets lumped together of what most people refer to as Classical. This classification is really well fixed in people's minds that even traditional rock music referred to as Classic Rock.

The so named Classical Music is actually about three different periods that were all different in their practice. However, there are some differences in the songs after the turn with the century that are distinctive enough to warrant the label of recent Music.

Prior to the turn of the century, all music was 'goal oriented' or 'tonal,' which means that there was one chord from the particular composition that has been the goal or resting reason for the music's chord progression. Once this chord was reached, the background music sounded finished along with the music would not sound finished until this chord was reached. Hence this chord would show-up in the very end of the music and also at the ends of most phrases or melodies, basically. It would not be the same chord for every single piece of music but is based on the 'key' of the music. That's the meaning of 'key.' If the piece of music is within the 'key of C,' then a chord it must end on is C. A work in the 'key of G' would end on G and so on.

worldstar rip Montana newmusic Cleveland freestyle

Well. after a millennium or so, composers got the itch to test something new and so look for the first examples of the brand new Music. Claude Debussy has often been called the 'Father of Modern Music,' and the works began to make tonality ambiguous by employing other types of scales for example the Whole Tone Scale.

Some composers went beyond this and tossed out tonality as a whole. The most notable example of this is the Serial Music composed by Arnold Schoenberg. Serial Music used a scale of twelve tones (instead of the traditional eight) and studiously avoided any note/chord relationship. Various other composers like John Cage created that which was called 'Chance Music,' the place that the notes in the piece were driven by the throw of dice.

Meanwhile, as of this same time, jazz was being made. Jazz and Blues returned to tonality using a vengeance. However there have been many other elements added that qualified this as Audio. The difference in instrumentation, with all the electric guitar and the greatly expanded role of the drums were certainly issues that had not gone on before so the birth of jazz and its development into the pop today certainly fits into the course of New Music.

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